About us

Supplying high quality pistachios, whether in bulk or in packaged form has always been a priority for merchants, exporters, wholesalers, confectionary, dry goods stores, and even for the final consumer, and this need is never out of priority.

Due to this need, Zarrin Homaye Kavir Company has attempted to solve this concern to a great extent.

Iranian pistachio, especially Rafsanjan pistachio, has a higher oil percentage than other pistachios produced in other countries due to having specific weather conditions and many years of experience of Rafsanjan pistachio gardeners in pistachio gardening. This makes the pistachio produced in Rafsanjan delicious.

By considering global standards, Zarrin Homaye Kavir Company has entered the field of producing, packaging and processing pistachio in Rafsanjan.

The first step to assure the domestic and foreign pistachio purchasers, has been to obtain ISOs and standards of international routes from official institutions providing these certificates  that Zarrin Homaye Kavir company has tried with all its might to standardize its collection and has succeeded to receive these globally recognized standards.

By monitoring the domestic and foreign markets, Zarrin Homaye Kavir company always tries to provide the best advice to its purchasers and provides this to its customers by keeping its information up to date in the field of production and trade.

Zarrin Homaye Kavir company is able to meet the needs of the market and its customers, by using pistachios produced from its gardens and other gardeners in Rafsanjan city including Akbari pistachio, Ahmad Aghaei pistachio, Kaleh Ghochi pistachio, Fandoghipistachio, and all kinds of pistachio nuts.

In addition to supplying purchasers’ pistachios in bulk, Zarrin Homaye Kavir company tries to meet the market’s need for pistachios packed in different weights and flavors. We have prepared Rafsanjan pistachios in more than 20 different flavors. Among the presentable flavors Zarrin Homaye Kavir Company are: salty, lemon juice, saffron, vegetables, peppery, smoked flavors, etc.

In the end, Zarrin Homaye Kavir Collection is proud to be an Iranian company that always tries to provide the best product to its dear Customers and we are proud that path will continue with you.

Kivaaz licenses

Iso 22000
Iso 9001